WACOM - Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin
19.05.2021. - WACOM - National workshop in HR

01.07. 2020. - 31.12.2022.
The lack of coordinated response to emergencies in case of accidental pollution and floods on transboundary watercourses in Sava River Basin is our key challenge.
The situation is a threat to people, environment and all water uses in the basin. It should be addressed by improved transboundary coping capacity. For that purpose International Sava River Basin Commission defined a strategic policy framework with several ratified protocols.
WACOM will enable development of response mechanisms, where some components were already implemented i.e. flood forecasting system for the Sava river basin, while the response component is still missing.
This was proven during recent accidents: accidental pollution of the Spreča river in 2018 and extreme flood event on Sava river basin in 2014.

Transnational as well as cross-sectorial interaction between the water management and civil protection administrations is also identified as a necessity. >>> more about WACOM >>>

01.07. 2020. - 31.12.2022.
The lack of coordinated response to emergencies in case of accidental pollution and floods on transboundary watercourses in Sava River Basin is our key challenge.

The situation is a threat to people, environment and all water uses in the basin. It should be addressed by improved transboundary coping capacity. For that purpose International Sava River Basin Commission defined a strategic policy framework with several ratified protocols.
WACOM will enable development of response mechanisms, where some components were already implemented i.e. flood forecasting system for the Sava river basin, while the response component is still missing.
This was proven during recent accidents: accidental pollution of the Spreča river in 2018 and extreme flood event on Sava river basin in 2014.

Transnational as well as cross-sectorial interaction between the water management and civil protection administrations is also identified as a necessity. >>> more about WACOM >>>