Building permit issued for new passenger terminal at Zagreb airport

The permit was issued by the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning on Monday, said the Assistant Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Marko Loncarevic, adding that ZAIC would take over the airport early next month.
Christophe Petit, Director of Development at Bouygues Batiment International, said that nothing else stood in the way of project implementation. He noted that ZAIC's aim was to close the operation and take over Zagreb Airport early in October, adding that construction work should begin next month.

When asked whether funding had been secured and when the contract could be expected to be signed, Petit said that documents would be completed and ready for signature by the end of this month or at the beginning of the next.
Lawyers are ironing out the final details of the financing contract, but the most important points have been agreed, he said.
Pavlo Grabovetz of the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, said that this institution was involved in financing the construction of the new passenger terminal at Zagreb's Pleso Airport.

The concession contract for the construction and management of Zagreb Airport was signed on April 11, 2012, whereby ZAIC was awarded a 30-year concession for the construction of a new passenger terminal and management of the existing and newly-built terminals and accompanying infrastructure.