- Objavljeno: 17.05.2019.
Ministarstvo mora, prometa i infrastrukture slijedom povećanoga broj upita zainteresiranih osoba, a povodom inspekcijskog postupanja i izdane zabrane korištenja pomorskog dobra dosadašnjim nelegalnim upraviteljima luke posebne namjene na području Krvavice, ovim putem obavještava sve vlasnike plovila na vezu u toj luci, kao i svu zainteresiranu javnost o sljedećem:
Inspektor pomorskog dobra nije zatvorio luku, nego je nelegalnim upraviteljima te luke zabranio korištenja pomorskog dobra, u naravi luke posebne namjene na području Krvavice, što je i izvršeno na licu mjesta pečaćenjem njihovih poslovnih prostorija i lučkih uređaja (dizalica).
Svi vlasnici plovila na morskom vezu u toj luci, slobodno mogu pristupiti svom plovilu, isploviti i ponovno uploviti u luku bez ikakvih ograničenja.
Trgovačko društvo Ramova d.o.o. ima mogućnost podnošenja prijedloga za privremeno skidanje pečata od strane Ministarstva mora, prometa i infrastrukture, točnije, Uprave sigurnosti plovidbe, a radi privremene dozvole rada dizalica u svrhu spuštanja plovila u more. U slučaju podnošenja takvog prijedloga, inspektor pomorskog dobra će odlučiti zaključkom kojim će odrediti dan kada će izaći na teren, privremeno skinuti pečat s lučkih uređaja, nakon čega će ponovno staviti pečat i o tome sačiniti zapisnik.
U pogledu odgovornosti za eventualnu štetu za vlasnike plovila zbog izdane zabrane korištenja luke, upućujemo ih na odredbu članka 673.lj Pomorskog zakonika, kojom je propisano da pružatelj usluge veza u moru ili na pomorskom dobru mora imati valjanu pravnu osnovu za obavljanje djelatnosti pružanja usluge veza sukladno pozitivnim propisima o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama te o pružanju usluga u nautičkom turizmu. Ukoliko pružatelj takve usluge ne posjeduje valjanu pravnu osnovu, odgovara i za štetu koja korisniku veza ili trećim osobama nastane u vezi s ugovorom o vezu s tim da korisnik veza osim prava na naknadu štete ima pravo i na jednostrani raskid ugovora o vezu.
Za sve dodatne informacije o ovom predmetu slobodno se obratite Ministarstvu mora, prometa i infrastrukture, Upravi sigurnosti plovidbe, na tel. +385 1 6169 250, fax: +385 1 6169 069 ili na mail prituzbe@pomorstvo.hr.

Following the increasing number of inquiries from persons concerned regarding the inspection procedure and issued prohibition of use of the maritime domain to previous illegal operators of special purpose seaports in the Krvavice area, the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure hereby notifies all owners of vessels moored in the port, as well as all the public concerned on the following:
Maritime domain inspector has issued prohibition of use of the maritime domain to illegal operators of special purpose seaport in the Krvavice area, which was made on the spot by sealing their business premises and port facilities (crane), and he did not close the port.
All owners of vessels moored in the port, can freely access their vessel, set sail again and sail into the port without any restrictions.
The company Ramova d.o.o. has the possibility of submitting a proposal for the temporary removal of the seal of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, in particular, the Maritime Safety Directorate, and temporary work permits for crane for the purpose of lowering vessels into the sea. In case of submitting such proposal, the maritime domain inspector will decide with the conclusion which will determine the day of his fieldwork and temporarily remove the seal from port equipment, after which he will reapply the seal and write an official report.
In the respect of liability for possible damage to the vessel owners stemming from the port ban, they should refer to the regulation article 673.lj of Maritime act, which prescribes that service provider of the moorings in the sea or maritime domain must have valid legal basis for providing the service of mooring in accordance with positive regulations on maritime domain and sea ports and for providing services in nautical tourism.
If the service provider of such services does not hold the appropriate legal basis, he is held responsible for the possible damage that occurs for the mooring users or third parties regarding the mooring contract. The mooring user has the right for compensation and unilateral termination of that contract.
For any additional information about this subject, feel free to contact the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Maritime Safety Directorate, phone: +385 1 6169 250, fax: +385 1 6169 069 or mail: prituzbe@pomorstvo.hr.
Pisane vijesti
Inspektor pomorskog dobra nije zatvorio luku, nego je nelegalnim upraviteljima te luke zabranio korištenja pomorskog dobra, u naravi luke posebne namjene na području Krvavice, što je i izvršeno na licu mjesta pečaćenjem njihovih poslovnih prostorija i lučkih uređaja (dizalica).
Svi vlasnici plovila na morskom vezu u toj luci, slobodno mogu pristupiti svom plovilu, isploviti i ponovno uploviti u luku bez ikakvih ograničenja.
Trgovačko društvo Ramova d.o.o. ima mogućnost podnošenja prijedloga za privremeno skidanje pečata od strane Ministarstva mora, prometa i infrastrukture, točnije, Uprave sigurnosti plovidbe, a radi privremene dozvole rada dizalica u svrhu spuštanja plovila u more. U slučaju podnošenja takvog prijedloga, inspektor pomorskog dobra će odlučiti zaključkom kojim će odrediti dan kada će izaći na teren, privremeno skinuti pečat s lučkih uređaja, nakon čega će ponovno staviti pečat i o tome sačiniti zapisnik.
U pogledu odgovornosti za eventualnu štetu za vlasnike plovila zbog izdane zabrane korištenja luke, upućujemo ih na odredbu članka 673.lj Pomorskog zakonika, kojom je propisano da pružatelj usluge veza u moru ili na pomorskom dobru mora imati valjanu pravnu osnovu za obavljanje djelatnosti pružanja usluge veza sukladno pozitivnim propisima o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama te o pružanju usluga u nautičkom turizmu. Ukoliko pružatelj takve usluge ne posjeduje valjanu pravnu osnovu, odgovara i za štetu koja korisniku veza ili trećim osobama nastane u vezi s ugovorom o vezu s tim da korisnik veza osim prava na naknadu štete ima pravo i na jednostrani raskid ugovora o vezu.
Za sve dodatne informacije o ovom predmetu slobodno se obratite Ministarstvu mora, prometa i infrastrukture, Upravi sigurnosti plovidbe, na tel. +385 1 6169 250, fax: +385 1 6169 069 ili na mail prituzbe@pomorstvo.hr.

Following the increasing number of inquiries from persons concerned regarding the inspection procedure and issued prohibition of use of the maritime domain to previous illegal operators of special purpose seaports in the Krvavice area, the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure hereby notifies all owners of vessels moored in the port, as well as all the public concerned on the following:
Maritime domain inspector has issued prohibition of use of the maritime domain to illegal operators of special purpose seaport in the Krvavice area, which was made on the spot by sealing their business premises and port facilities (crane), and he did not close the port.
All owners of vessels moored in the port, can freely access their vessel, set sail again and sail into the port without any restrictions.
The company Ramova d.o.o. has the possibility of submitting a proposal for the temporary removal of the seal of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, in particular, the Maritime Safety Directorate, and temporary work permits for crane for the purpose of lowering vessels into the sea. In case of submitting such proposal, the maritime domain inspector will decide with the conclusion which will determine the day of his fieldwork and temporarily remove the seal from port equipment, after which he will reapply the seal and write an official report.
In the respect of liability for possible damage to the vessel owners stemming from the port ban, they should refer to the regulation article 673.lj of Maritime act, which prescribes that service provider of the moorings in the sea or maritime domain must have valid legal basis for providing the service of mooring in accordance with positive regulations on maritime domain and sea ports and for providing services in nautical tourism.
If the service provider of such services does not hold the appropriate legal basis, he is held responsible for the possible damage that occurs for the mooring users or third parties regarding the mooring contract. The mooring user has the right for compensation and unilateral termination of that contract.
For any additional information about this subject, feel free to contact the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Maritime Safety Directorate, phone: +385 1 6169 250, fax: +385 1 6169 069 or mail: prituzbe@pomorstvo.hr.