Zagreb Transport Show opens

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Dražen Breglec, the State Secretary of Transport An international fair of commercial vehicles, transport, logistics and supporting industry, the Zagreb Transport Show, was opened at the Zagreb Fair (ZV) on Tuesday.

A total of 396 exhibitors from 25 countries will show their products at an exhibition covering an area of 26,000 square meters. The Zagreb Transport Show is intended for transporters of freight and people, farmers and craftsmen. The event will close on April 1.

The fair was officially declared open by the Minister of the Interior Ivica Kirin. He was accompanied by the State Secretary of Transport Dražen Breglec, who attended the event as a representative of the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development. Breglec stated that the fair was being organized at the best possible moment; just before the closure of Croatia’s screening process regarding the transport sector. He also invited all of the exhibitors to participate actively in the workgroups organized during the fair in order to help Croatian EU negotiators get acquainted with their demands. 


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