Second Dash 8-Q400 plane delivered to Croatia Airlines

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(photo: FaH)Croatia Airlines presented at Zagreb airport on Tuesday the second Dash 8-Q400 plane of a total of four such planes commissioned from Canada's Bombardier Aerospace.

The delivery of the plane is in line with an agreement between Croatia Airlines and Bombardier Aerospace on the operating lease of four new Dash 8-Q400 aircraft, which are expected to replace the existing fleet of short-range planes of the Croatian air carrier by 2009.

The first Dash 8-Q400 was delivered on May 19. The other two planes are expected to be delivered next year.

The purchase of new planes has enabled Croatia Airlines to expand its network of international destinations to include Copenhagen, Düsseldorf, Priština and Podgorica.

The Croatia Airlines fleet now consists of 12 planes - four Airbus A319 and four Airbus A320 planes, two ATR42 aircraft and two Dash 8-Q400 planes. (Hina)  

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