Parliament grants changes of the Act on Public Roads

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Proposed changes to the Act on public oads have received the support of the Parliamentary Clubs today, although the SDP is critical because of the offten changes in that Law.

"The amendments provide for the protection of public roads as well as goods of interest to the State," said State Secretary of the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Zeljko Tufekcic, adding that ensures that no one else can exercise the right of ownership on any grounds because they are generally public good.

Modifications, namely, ensuring the establishment of a new legal regime of public roads as a public good in general use, outside the legal traffic, which can not acquire ownership or other real rights, except the right to easements and rights of construction for utility construction, water management and energy as well as construction and construction of electronic communications, and special rights to use land to carry out the road supporting activities.

Also the provisions on payment of fees to finance the construction and maintenance of public roads adjusted to the new Law on excise taxes.

"We support the changes, but with regret" said SDP's Luka Denona, warning that it is already changed the third linning of the amendment of the same Act. It would be good if we get the final version, he said, because this "can not even catch a head nor tail of how the Law actually looks like".

HNS's Danica Hursa stresses that it is expected that changes will contribute to quality management and maintenance of public roads, but, she says, "I'm disgusted by providing for agricultural production in the corridor of public roads and for God's sake, probably not. Please, I hope it was a slip, just not all agricultural production in the corridor of public roads." - she said.

HDZ's Ivan Bogovic said that these Law's amendments provide the protection of public roads as well as goods of interest to the Republic of Croatia.

