Minister Kalmeta: New Ferry for the Zadar-Preko Line by Beginning of Tourist Season

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(photo: J. Marcelić)The Minister of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Božidar Kalmeta and the Zadar Mayor Ivo Grbić held an open meeting with the representatives of the municipality of Kukljica regarding their projects and the projects of the whole island.

By the beginning of the main tourist season, a new ferry will be operating along the ferry line Zadar – Preko, which is currently being built in the shipyard Kraljevica, explained Kalmeta.

The new ferry will be able to carry 1200 passengers and 140 vehicles. It will have a new salon and an elevator for the passengers, he added.

The shipyard Kraljevica is currently working on two new ferries, one for the Zadar and the other for the Split area. This will strengthen the Jadrolinija fleet ant the construction of only one will cost approximately EUR 8 million.

The government supports the renewal of the fishermen fleet with financial means and lucrative credit lines secured via the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as it was further pointed out.

Other subjects discussed on the meeting included the construction of fishermen ports at the locations of Lamjana and Kali, as well as the construction of a terminal in the future port of Gaženica. Kalmeta also spoke of HRK 10 million secured for fishermen to help them buy blue diesel gas.  
