Increased Number of CEMT Permits for Croatian Road Hauliers

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Representatives of 43 Member countries participated at a meeting of the CEMT Group on Road Transport organized in Paris on 16 November 2006. Attendees of the meeting were also representatives of the Republic of Croatia, headed by Igor Maly, the Assistant Minister for Road Traffic.

The program also included the calculation of the multilateral quota for CEMT permits for the period (2007-2010).

According to previous proposals made by six Member countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg) the number of CEMT permits should be reduced during that period or their usage should be additionally delimited on the territory of these countries. For most of the other countries those proposals were unacceptable, including for the Republic of Croatia.

During the meeting, Igor Maly as the leading Croatian representative stated his arguments, criticizing the above mentioned proposals and after a discussion a compromise was reached. According to that compromise, the number of CEMT permits will be increased in the years 2007 and 2008 and in the years 2009 and 2010 the number of permits will remain at this year’s level. The pre-condition for such a compromise will be the usage of Euro 3 vehicles.

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