HZ unionists protest outside ministry

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Zagreb, December 16. 2009Several hundred members of the Croatian Railways (HZ) Trade Union staged a protest rally outside the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry in Zagreb on Wednesday.

Union president Ivan Forgac said at the rally that the railway infrastructure had continued to fall into disrepair due to omissions and mistakes of the ministry and the HZ management, which he said was bringing into question nearly 20,000 jobs. Five HZ companies employing some 2,000 people are already facing bankruptcy, he said.

The union asked the government to provide for the employment of people working in HZ companies that build and maintain HZ immoveable units and means of transport.

Unless the government accepts their demands, the union will organise new protests, strikes and blockades so as to prevent further decay of the company and preserve jobs, it was said at the rally.

After Transport Minister BOZIDAR KALMETA met the unionists, the ministry issued a statement saying that the HZ management was looking for ways to help HZ workers keep their jobs and continue with company restructuring.

According to the statement, Kalmeta stressed the management was looking for ways to pay salaries to workers of the PRO-REG company, while workers in other HZ companies would continue to receive their salaries on a regular basis. Kalmeta also said the HZ was looking into ways to pay Christmas bonuses as well. Zagreb, December 16. 2009
Zagreb, December 16. 2009


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