HAC announces tender for the purchase of two multi-purpose helicopter

Photo /arhiva/14.04.logo_hac338.jpg

Croatian Motorways (HAC) published on its web site an international tender for the purchase of two multi-purpose helicopters for the purpose of public safety in traffic on the Croatian highways.

The invitation to tender, which carries the date 28th January and published on the HAC's website, says that it is a medical helicopter flights, flights for search and rescue, traffic control and similar activities.

The deadline for submission of bids or requests to participate in the contest is the 2nd March this year.

In the Independent Division for the procurement of HAC has learned that the helicopters would be used for all forms of rescue, not only for the HAC. HAC does not currently own a helicopter, and in case of need, especially during the tourist season, used the police.

In the HACBut they say , that the helicopters wich are in use today are a bit outdated and does not correspond to modern technical and medical standards.

Tenders for the purchase of helicopters HAC conducted as public procurement.

The HAC does not want to comment on media speculation about the cost of a helicopter than a hundred million. They say that the price is hard to predict because it is the tender bidders.

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