EU - Socrates proposes a common maritime border line

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EU President and Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates said on Monday that it was very important to create a common border in the European seas and oceans as a precondition for an integrated European maritime policy.

 “Risks are becoming more and more intense and for that we need to develop systems of coordination, prevention, regulation and preservation of marine resources”, said Socrates at the opening of a conference on European Union maritime politics.

 „We will be able to face that challenge only if we manage the coastal zones in an integrated way and establish a common border line”, he concluded.

The EU counts around 70 000 km of coastline that boarders six seas and oceans.

Half of the European citizens live less than 50 km from the shore and industry and services related to the sea represent 3-5 percent of the European GDP, according to official EU figures.

