Croatian, Bosnian railways sign cooperation agreement

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An agreement has been signed in Sarajevo on letting Bosnia and Herzegovina's three rail companies use part of Croatian Railways's (HZ) IT applications and providing technical assistance in introducing IT applications on Bosnia's railways, HZ said in a statement on Friday.

The purpose of the agreement, signed as part of Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader's visit to Sarajevo, is creating a framework for cooperation in information technology with a view to integrating technological information systems on corridor Vc, a railway connecting Ploce, Mostar, Sarajevo, Doboj, Slavonski Samac, Osijek, Beli Manastir and Budapest.

Under the agreement, part of HZ's applications in the transport information system will be introduced on Bosnia and Herzegovina's railways. HZ will also assist in the development and building of the information and communication system in Bosnia. This know-how transfer project is expected to last two years. (Hina)

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