Croatia's Proposal for the Pelješac Bridge Acceptable to Bosnia

Photo /arhiva/most-10-pelj.jpg

The Croatian government has forwarded to the authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina an acceptable proposal for the building of a bridge that would connect the southern Adriatic peninsula of Pelješac with the mainland, but the signing of a memorandum regulating this issue is not likely to take place in the near future, because the work of the Bosnian Council of Minister is currently blocked, Bosnian Transport and Communications Minister Božo Ljubić said.

The “Dnevni Avaz” cited Ljubić on Thursday as saying that Croatia forwarded to Sarajevo, on Tuesday, a draft memorandum on the Pelješac Bridge. The proposal is similar to the one sent to Zagreb by the former Bosnian Minister Branko Dokić, Ljubić explained.

Ljubić also added that Croatia's proposal shows that Bosnia would have access to the open sea because the height of the future bridge would amount up to 55 meters and the width between the pillars would be 200 meters. The bridge itself would be 2.3 kilometers long.

The two sides agree that all environmental protection criteria effective in Croatia should be also applied in Bosnian territory.

This means that special mechanism measuring sea pollution would be set up in the territorial waters of both countries.

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