Croatia made progress on a scale of development of information society

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International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has published a regular report for year 2010 titled "Measuring the Information Society", which shows that despite the global economic crisis, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) services, especially mobile communications services and Internet services continues to grow worldwide.

At the end of 2009th the World has recorded around 4.6 billion users of mobile networks (average density of 67%), and the Internet is used around 1.7 billion or 26% of the world population.

As a measure of overall progress in the development of Information Society ITU uses the so-called. index of ICT development or IDI index, which consists of 11 indicators that comprise the availability of ICT, its use and professional qualifications.

Croatia was ITU in this year's report particularly commended for the remarkable improvement in the availability of ICT, and the IDI values for 2008. year total ranks 36th site, which is shifted by 1 place in over 2007. in front of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, Polish, Latvia and all countries of the region except for Slovenia. Croatia is among the 10 leading countries in the world by increasing the value of IDI in 2008th year overt the year 2007th.

Croatia has made progress on a scale which measures the cost of ICT services in the basket relative to GDP per capita - at prices we are at the 49th site from 161 countries, which puts us in a group of countries where the costs of baskets of ICT services is less than 2% of monthly GDP per capita.

If we take into account only the cost of broadband services in the fixed network, Croatia on 41st site from 161 countries, with prices lower by 24% in 2009th compared to 2008th year, which makes its broadband service cheaper than the same services, for example, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and all countries except Slovenia.

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