Croatia exempt from EU rules prohibiting carrying of liquids bought at airports in third countries

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The European Commission on Friday adopted a decision allowing passengers travelling by plane from six airports in Croatia to carry in their cabin baggage liquids, aerosols and gels bought there when boarding a connecting flight at an airport in the European Union, the EC said.

Under this decision, passengers whose journey starts at the airports in Dubrovnik, Rijeka, Pula, Split, Zadar and Zagreb, will no longer have to remove from their cabin baggage liquids bought at those airports when boarding a connecting flight in the EU.

EU Transport Commissioner Antonio Tajani said this important decision would spare passengers inconvenience without jeopardising aviation security.

The EC has allowed exemption for liquids bought at the said airports after Croatian authorities have proven that their security measures are as good as those in the EU, Tajani said.

This is the second case, after Singapore, that the regulation allowing exemption from rules which prohibit the carrying of liquids bought at airports in third countries beyond airport security check points.

In response to the serious threat of liquid explosives to aviation security, in October 2006 the EC adopted regulations prohibiting passengers from carrying larger amounts of liquid beyond airport security check points and into the airplane.


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