Croatia and EU ask transitional periods in Transport Policy

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The Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER), which consists of the European Union Member States' ambassadors to the EU, on Wednesday, accepted joint negotiating positions for accession negotiations with Croatia on two policy chapters - Energy and Transport Policy - which will be opened on Monday, diplomatic sources in Brussels told a correspondent for Hina.

As regards Transport Policy, both the EU and Croatia have asked for transitional periods.

Zagreb insists to be given additional time to adjust its railway and shipping companies to EU regulations.

In the event Croatia's request is accepted, Croatian Railways (HŽ) and Jadrolinija and some other maritime shipping companies will continue to hold a market monopoly for some time after the country's admission to the European bloc.

The EU has asked for a transitional period regarding Croatia's road transport cabotage rights.

The EU's joint negotiating position stipulates that Croatian road transport companies would not be able to offer their services in the EU two years upon Croatia's entry into the bloc.

Croatia is expected to meet four benchmarks for each of the two negotiating chapters in order to close negotiations on them. (Hina) 

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