Croatia Airlines introduced e-tickets

Photo /arhiva/CroatiaAirlines.jpg

Croatia’s national air carrier Croatia Airlines introduced, as one of the first airline companies in the region, electronic air tickets (e-tix/e-tickets).

The introduction of e - tickets includes their distribution for Croatia Airlines flights, their sale via a net of travel agencies and their acceptance for flights performed by other airline companies.

E-tickets will be introduced by Croatia Airlines starting with 29 October for flights towards Zagreb, London, Paris, Vienna, Frankfurt and Munich, including all flights covered by Austria Airlines and Lufthansa.

Instead of a standard paper air-ticket, which passengers have to carry during their whole flight, all the data from the e-ticket will be preserved in the data base of the airline which originally handed out the air ticket. Those data will be accessible to the travel agencies, the airport and the air carriers.

According to Croatia Airlines, the usage of e-tickets will be introduced for all their destinations during the year 2007. This will also include destinations of their most important partner companies, especially those participating in the Star Alliance Union.


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