Croatia Airlines and the Union reached an agreement, a strike canceled

Photo /arhiva/croatia_airlines2-3-15.07..jpg

Croatia Airlines and the Aircraft Cabin Crew Union (SKOZ) tonight have reached an agreement under which there will be no strike in the Croatia Airlines on Friday, the 26th February, as it was announced by SKOZ,  it's announced that both sides are continuing negotiations between the Board of the Croatia Airlines and the Union on a new Collective Agreement, according to a joint statement between Croatia Airlines and SKOZ.

Croatia Airlines also informs travelers in it's statement that the traffic flows to the regular order of flying, including a Friday, the 26th February.

Union demands are accepted, so the next week is to expect the begining of the negotiations on a Collective Agreement for the cabin staff, said Tomislav Kis, Secretary General of the New Union, which cooperates with SKOZ.

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