Conference on future of challenges of civil air traffic ends in Dubrovnik

Photo /arhiva/Dubr1.jpg

A two-day international conference, held at the initiative of Croatia Airlines, ended in the southern Adriatic city of Dubrovnik on Tuesday.

The conference that gathered representatives of airline companies from Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Albania, Montenegro, and Macedonia, as well as experts from international institutions, focused on the future and challenges of civil air traffic in Southeast Europe.

The main topics discussed during the conference included the question of service level provided to the passengers, expected economic problems which are about to also influence the air transport sector, the important role of the Association of European Airlines (AEA) and other.

It has also been stated that, during the next 20 years, Central Europe might encounter a strong economic development of the air transport industry. With help of such a growth the air companies of that part of the world would experience a modernization of their fleets which would help them to face the challenges of the future.

The public was also informed about a contract which the Croatian national air carrier Croatia Airlines (CA) signed with Airbus with the firm intention to buy four new planes type A319, which will be added to CA’s constantly growing fleet.

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