CCE: Croatian telecommunications market worth 15 billion HRK

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Croatian telecom market worth 15 billion HRK, which represents a large potential, as it was stated at today's meeting of a Professional Associations for Telecommunications at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

At the meeting, by the majority votes of the Association, Petar Cavlovic, the former president is elected for the president of the Association in the next four-year term, as it was announced by the Chamber of Commerce.

Cavlovic said that the ICT market is one of the key generators of development, due to the experience in the regional expansion wich will be very important as also as possible liberalization of the telecommunications market in the region.

Speaking about the work of the Association in the period since 2005 until 2009, and the development of the telecommunications sector at during this period, Cavlovic said that this tasks are successfully completed during this period, and the telocommunication industry gaind it's affirmation.

However, we still have not used infrastructure resources, and is expected to be better dialogue in the area.

State Secretary at the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Drazen Breglec said that the Ministry gave it's support to the industry in this sector.

"The ICT sector is between 5 and 5.5% of GDP, which is the sufficient evidence of the importance of this industry." - said Breglec. "This sector is the owner of up to 40% of the total growth in the European Union, and we want to achieve the same level in Croatia" - said Breglec, adding that there is a possibility of compromise between the regulatory framework in this activity and requests for market development.

It is necessary to better define the conditions for investment, and to provide the opportunities in this sector to contribute to the overall economy.

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