Nikolina Brnjac

Born July 11th 1978

2005 - 2009     Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences / Transport and Traffic Technology - Dr. sc.

2002 - 2005    Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences / Transport and Traffic Technology - Mr. sc.

1997 - 2002    Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences / Transport and Traffic Technology - Dipl. ing.

1996 - 2001     Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences / PiT Department - Dipl. ing.

2017 -              Republic of Croatia / Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
                           - State Secretary

2016 -              Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences / Intermodal Transport Chair
                           - associate professor of:
                             Integral and Intermodalni Systems (pre-gradutate study)
                             Integral and Intermodal Transport (degree study)
                             Development and Investment Management (degree study)
                             Geo- traffic analysis of transport flows (doctoral study)

2016 - 2017   Republic of Croatia / Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
                           - Special Adviser to the Minister

2015 -              Croatian Chamber of Commerce  / Intermodal Transport and Logistics Union
                           - Vice President

2015 -              EU Commission / DG Research & Innovation, Brussels / Evaluator for Horizon 2020 projects COV2
                           07/016 / review, monitoring and evaluation in transport and logistics sector

2010 - 2017   Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences / Intermodal Transport Chair
                           - Head

2002 - 2010   Zagreb University / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

                           - Assistant lecturer

Academic activities:
-   Intermodal Transport Systems, 2012
-   Engineering and Technological Calculations in Rail Transport, 2009

Areas of interest:
-   Intermodal transport / transport systems, logistical processes in intermodal transport, development of intermodal terminals, rail transport, location of intermodal  terminals

Membership in organization committees:
-   POWA (Ports and Waterways) 2007 – 2011
-   ZIRP (Science and Development in Transport) 2014, 2015 and 2017

Membership in scientific committees:
-   INTRANSLAW (International Conference on Transport and Insurance) 2015 and 2017

Guest Lecturer:
-   Chalmers University, Technology Management and Economics Gothenburg, Sweden (since 2011)
-   Faculty of Technological Sciences, Novi Sad University (since 2012)
-   Faculty of Law, Zagreb University (since 2013)
-   Faculty of Economy, Ljubljana University (since 2015)

Organization and moderation of round tables:
-   „Role and Significance of Intermodal Transport in Crgo Transport Market” / UNIZG, Zagreb, 17.05.2011
-   „Analysis of Options for Development of Croatian Railway System with Focus on Intermodality“ / HGK, 16. April 2013
-   „Risks in the Supply Chain“ / LOMI, Krapina 2014
-   „The Role of Human Resources in the Management of Supply Chains or Logistic Systems “ / SCO Logistics, LOGIN 07, 2014

Research projects - leader:
-   The Zagreb University Development Fund, Standardization of Data Collection and Processing in Transport
aimed at Development of Science and Economy - (2012)
-   ACROSSEE project - South East Europe, Transnational Cooperation Programme / EU project, researcher - ('12-'14)
-   Marco Polo Study - GO RAIL GO GREEN (Marco Polo program) (2013) head
-   COWANDA – SEE - The CO-WANDA, South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program (SEE) EU - (2014)
-   CBA Railway Industry (2014)
-   Intermodal Transport Development Strategy / UNIZG, FPZ (research area intermodal transport, rail
     transport) - ('01-'06)
-   Rail Sector Pre-accession Development Strategy / FPZ (research area rail transport) - (2006)
-   Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure R&D project / INTERMODARH (2008 -) (research area:  transport sector strategy in RC, short-distance coastal navigation)
-   Interreg CADSES project ADRIATIC3S (financing: Phare program)  (research area: short-distance coastal navigation, traffic forecasts) – (2009)

-   Evaluation of Intermodal Logistic Corridor Ploče - Mostar - Sarajevo - Vukovar (Central Adriatic  - Danube area) / HAZU, 2014
-   Supply Chains Management / Veleučilište Hrvatsko zagorje, Krapina, 2015

-   More than 50 scientific papers and articles on intermodal transport and logistics in national and international

-   the First Intermodal Transport and Logistics summer school, Danube region 2014 / Central-European Initiative, CEI

-   CEEPUS Network (2011. -)

Committee member:
-   University committee for awarding scholarships / Zagreb University (2015 -)

Communication skills:
-   Digital competence
-   English and German languages

Management skills:
-   human resources management
-   business planning, implementation i delegating tasks toward achieving a determined objective
-   assistance in implementation of tasks within the set time limits under pressure
-   assigning tasks to the selected good-quality perpetrators

Business skills:
-   scientific research and educational work
-   development project management
-   development project team membership

-   Jogging, swimming