Minister says infrastructure projects should be developed gradually


Public infrastructure projects should be developed gradually, in accordance with traffic growth and not in a megalomaniac fashion as has been the case so far, Croatian Maritime, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Sinisa Hajdas Doncic said on Wednesday during a panel held as part of the Rexpo 2015 fair.

We will have to abandon the old practice in the future, because most of the projects will be financed with money from Brussels, for which feasibility studies and detailed analyses will be required, the minister said, adding that the infrastructure should rely on the economy and not the other way around.

The minister said a positive example was Zagreb Airport whose terminal was to be expanded the moment the number of passengers reaches a certain number.

Split Airport director Luksa Novak said that in the past four years, the airport in Split was generating profit owing to cooperation between the state, local self-government units and the tourism board.

"In the past four years we recorded a two-digit increase and this year we expect the growth to amount to 12 per cent," Novak said.

The panel debate was also addressed by Croatian Postal Service management board president Alen Premuzak, HZ Infrastruktura (railway company) management board president Renada Susa and Kresimir Rendeli of the Zadar Port Authority.


