Gov't okays resumption of 12 road construction projects


The Croatian government on Thursday decided to lift a suspension on 12 road construction projects that had been halted either due to the builders' problems or lack of funds or necessary permits and documents.

Transport and Infrastructure Minister Sinisa Hajdas Doncic said the government would adopt regulations in an attempt to "clear up the chaos" it had found in the motorway operator HAC and the road operator HC regarding contracts for which no funds had been ensured and in cases where no development or building permits had been issued by the previous government.

He said that in some of those 12 cases, sections of the routes would be redesignated from the planned dual carriages as state roads.

Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Branko Grcic said that the 12 contracts were worth HRK 4.2 billion, but the suspension in their implementation caused HRK 1.1 billion in losses. These projects are now being "unfrozen" and we will kickstart them as soon as weather conditions permit, Grcic said.

These projects came to a standstill mainly due to problems of big construction companies, but now other builders have been hired and I hope the projects will be completed this year, the minister added.

Among the projects are a motorway route between Bjelovar and Koprivnica in the north of the country, the completion of a viaduct and some sections in the Ploce-bound motorway in the south, the finalisation of the Sveti Ilija tunnel in the hinterland of Makarska, a Drava bridge as part of Croatia's section of the Vc Corridor, the Busevac-Lekenik section of the Sisak-bound motorway, a road between Split and Dugopolje, a ring-road south of Osijek, and a road construction project in Istria.

