Italian construction contractors acquainted with Croatian infrastructure projects

A conference entitled "Croatia & Italy - Building Together" was held in Zagreb on Thursday with the aim of presenting infrastructure projects in Croatia with possibilities for cooperation and joint ventures of Croatian and Italian companies.

The event, organised by the Italian Foreign Trade Institute and the Italian national association of construction companies (ANCE), drew about one hundred business people from the two countries.

Croatian Transport and Infrastructure Ministry State Secretary Tomislav Mihotic presented infrastructure projects for railways, roads and ports.

Deputy Prime Minister Domagoj Ivan Milosevic told the conference that Croatia was at the threshold of a new development cycle and that Italian investors were welcome.

Italy's Ambassador to Croatia, Alessandro Pignatti Morano di Custoza, said that Italian business people were encouraged by Croatia's prospective admission to the European Union.

ANCE Director-General Federico Merola said that Italian construction companies viewed Croatia as a country of special interest to them.

ANCE members account for 11 percent of Italy's GDP, he said, adding that they operate in 85 countries worldwide with 570 contracts, in the amount of EUR 44 billion, in 2009.

The conference also focused on projects in tourism, energy and environmental protection.

