5th Sectoral Monitoring Committee for IIIa-transport component of the IPA program

Fifth Meeting of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee for the component IIIa - turnover of the IPA was held today at the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure under the chairmanship of the Secretary of State for traffic inspection Ivica Perovic and Elena Grech, Head of Unit in DG Regional Policy of the European Commission.

Sectoral Monitoring Committee has the role of monitoring the implementation of the OP Transport 2007-2009 (TOP 2007-2009) which includes three priority axis, which includes eleven projects.

During the three-year period provided the financing for a total of around 71 million euros, of which the share of EU co-financing amounts to about 53 million.

The objective of the OP Transport 2007-2009 to improve the interoperability and strengthen the competitiveness of the different forms of transport, and the achievement of acceptable standards and network coverage in Croatia.

TOP-realization and 2007-2009 is carried out through 3 priority axes for which the managing authority for the strategic management of infrastructural facilities of the Ministry.

The first priority axis refers to the improvement of railway system in Croatia through 7 of the contract, and the implementing body of the HZ(Croatian Railways) infrastructure. The second priority axis refers to the improvement of inland navigation system in Croatia through 8 agreement, the implementing body of the Central Finance and Contracting EU (CFCA), which is the implementing body for the third priority axis, which refers to technical assistance through 3 contract.

For each contract procurement process is conducted in accordance with EU / IPA regulations, and implementation of all projects is expected by 2012. years, to when they are available above the EU co-financing funds.

Operating structure that makes managing authority and the implementing body, presented today for all activities conducted under the Operational Program for Transport 2007-2009, and predicted his amendment of the period 2010-2011.

Representatives of the European Commission accepted the report of the Operating Structure, pointed to some necessary changes, and it was agreed that the next meeting of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee held in June 2010. year.
