Start of construction works for expansion of Istrian Y highway

Prime Minister Ivo Sanadar opened today the construction works for the expansion of the Istrian Y highway into a dual carriageway, in the value of EUR 313 million.

The Minster of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Božidar Kalmeta reminded everybody that the project of constructing the Istrian Y was launched in 1997 and that the first phase, i.e. the single carriageway stage, was completed in 2006 including a total route length of 141 km, 17 interchanges and 135 structures. He also pointed out that during the first term of the current Government a 60 - kilometer section of the Istrian Y was opened to traffic.

During the tourist season the Istrian Y registers approximately 18 000 cars per day and for that reason the Croatian Government has initiated a fourth modification of the concession agreement which made it possible to continue with the construction of this Istrian route.

The main construction activities planned for the upcoming 3.5 years include the following sections and structures: a second carriageway from Rogovići to Kanfanar (18 km) and from Umag to Kanfanar (49.2 km), as well as from Kanfanar to Pula including a new interchange at Vodnjan north (27.6 km).

During the so-called 2nd B phase of the construction of the Istrian Y plans are to build a second tube for the tunnel Učka, a second carriageway along the route Rogovići - tunnel Učka and the building of a second structure of the viaduct Limska Draga and the bridge Mirna, which was very much appraised by the Istria County prefect Ivan Jakovčić.
