Croatian transport operators transport fewer passengers, more goods


Croatian transport operators transported fewer passengers in 2013 than in 2012, while goods transport saw a rise, according to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics.

Slightly over 93 million passengers were transported last year, which was a decline of 1.5% in comparison with 2012. Increases in the volume of passenger transport were reported by road, maritime and coastal transport operators, while all other types of passenger transport recorded a decline.

Last year Croatian transport operators transported 54.3 million passengers, up 3.8% from 2012, while the number of passengers transported by maritime and coastal transport operators dropped 2.4% to 12.8 million.

The sharpest drop in the volume of passenger transport was recorded in rail transport as the number of train passengers fell 12.7% to 24.1 million. National air carriers transported 1.8 million passengers, or 7.6% fewer than in 2012.

At the same time, the volume of goods transport increased 1.5% year on year to 111.3 million tonnes annually. The volume of goods transported by road went up 3.1% to 67.5 million tonnes, while the volume of oil and natural gas transported by pipeline rose 10.7% to 7.6 million tonnes.

Figures showed a decline in the transport of goods by other modes of transport -- in rail transport by 2%, maritime and coastal transport by 3.5%, air transport by 9%, and internal waterways by 10.6%.

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