Kalmeta: EU is ready to invest in the Croatia's railway infrastructure, but there is no projects

Croatia expects the investments in a railway infrastructure from the EU pre-accession funds, but there are not enough projects, said Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, BOZIDAR KALMETA after today's session of the Economic and Social Council (GSV), in which the social partners supported the continuation of the restructuring and modernization of the "HZ".

Even in this year would be much more money from the EU for the rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, but there are no projects to apply, Minister Kalmeta complained, adding that therefore, in the "HZ Infrastruktura" teams are working intensively to prepare the projects to apply during the next year to the EU funds, and which will draw significant financial resources.

From the pre-accession EU-funds in this year funded the reconstruction of the railway on the section 'Tovarnik - Vinkovci', and by the same funds will be financed a few railway-lines, while the European banks such as EBRD and EIB are ready to finance the purchase of the new locomotives and wagons, under a very favorable conditions, with the great grace period and maturity, said Kalmeta.

Transport infrastructure, particularly railways, should become a Croatian export product as per the estimates of the European Commission, on this areas is expected the traffic increase by 2020. for 50%, said the Minister.

Liberalization of the railway market in Croatia will perform at 2012th year, and the Government is negotiating to liberalize up to 30% of the market, he said, warning that the "HZ" must be ready as the company to meet that time, which means that freight and passenger order transportation, as well as the towing must to restructure and to restore to be competitive until that time.

"HZ" is outdated and osseous system in which are working nearley 12,895 people in the mainstream, and even 5558 in the subsidiaries. Kalmeta recalled that since 2003rd in the consultations with social partners, number of the employees decreased by 3300, and announced that is ecpected the departure of another 1,000 people.

"In the last two years we have reduced allocations from the budget for the "HZ" to 750 million HRK, abolished the 44 of the cargo-commercial stations, and followes the elimination of the non-rentable lines, after the social partners agree on a new timetable, which should be almost to the beginning of next school year, noted the Minister.

CEO of "HZ Infrastruktura" Branimir Jerneic announced that this company in this year is up to realize investments in the amount of the 700-750 million HRK.

Launching of a new Project which is financed by the EU - the replacement of the security systems on the Zagreb's main railway station - where will be changed the entire insurance-brakeing system at between the Western Railway Station and 'Borongaj-Tresnjevka' train stations, said Jerneić, adding that the EU funds will also be used for the reconstruction and modernization of the railways at the 'Okucani-Novska' section.

After the 2012th non-refundable funds of the EU are redy for use, and it's amount of more than 350 million EUR, and only for the railway infrastructure, noted Jerneic, stressing out that the "HZ" managment converted the part of the funds for the development of the project-documentation, for the next three years.

Employers and unions are expecting of the "HZ" to be an encouragement to the rest of the Croatian economy, and Damir Jakus, the Union representative said that the 35 of the new locomotives for the "HZ"should be made by the "Koncar" and "TZV Gredelj".

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