Inspection for roads presented the activities and plans for the year 2010

Zagreb, March 12 2010 - Ivica Perovic, Secretary of State for the Inspection of the Road Transport with  the colleagues from the Directorate for the Traffic Inspection in the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure wich also participated at today's meetingIn cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, the State Inspectorate and the Customs Directorate, the Directorate for the Road inspection conducted the surveillance with particular attention to the transportation of school children and passengers in domestic and international road traffic on highways and state roads during the last year, and this year will be carried out control on the county roads.

Ivica Perovic, the State Secretary for the Road Inspection said at today's meeting with representatives of the transportation associations and institutions (HOK, CEC, CEA, and HCP) who have expressed their satisfaction with the last year's presented activities, and plans for the inspection of road for this year. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Interior and of Science, Education and Sports.
Perovic said that the inspection and control of driving and rest times of drivers, and in the entire Country was conducted oversight of companies that conduct passenger transportation.

According to the Perovic's words, the international transport of passengers carried out 709 inspectionZagreb, March 12 2010 - Ante Gaspar, from the Department for the Road Safety attended the meeting with colleagues from the Ministry of Interior supervision, of wich were 141 misdemeanor warrant, and were charged fines in an amount of about 1.1 million HRK, and issued fines worth almost half a million HRK.

Also has been conducted a surveillance of the commercial part of the transportation of school children, while in the field of road safety the school buses were examined by the police forces.

"In the past year were 1380 certificated buses for the children transportation that meet the requirements prescribed by special regulations" - said Ante Gaspar, of the Department for the Road Safety in the MI. The Ministry of the Science, Education and Sport will send an instruction under which high schools are prescribed to hire buses for trips that have such certificate, it was said at today's meeting.

Representatives of the carriers Zagreb, March 12 2010 - the State Secretary Perovic presented the activities and plans for the year 2010 to the participants of today's meetingespecially highlighted problems with disloyal competition in a smaller communities, and therefore in these communities it's been requested more frequent inspections and particularly in the area of the so-called 'autotaxi' transportation, transportation of school children and on the occasional transportation.

The meeting supported the proposal that precisely for these reasons, on the basis on the announced amendments to the Law on Transport in the Road Traffic, should be given authority to control 'autotaxi' transport to the regular civil traffic controlers, so-called 'bobbies', since the license for this activity gives local governments. Regarding changes to the Law carriers, the participants of the meeting have requested that taxis in the future can transported only 4 instead of 8 passengers, as it is now regulated.

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