HZ-Infrastructure has signed a contract on rehabilitation of water infrastructure

Agreement on the repair, maintenance and control of water mains and installing is signed by Branimir Jerneić, CEO of HZ-Infrastructure and Graciano Rudan, director of "Rudan", with this Agreement HZ-Infrastructure intends to save about 4.2 million HRK on the annual accounts for water, while the planned savings are planned in the rehabilitation of the water supply infrastructure, without investing it's own funds, announced today the HZ Holding.

According to the model ESCO, the company "Rudan" invests it's own money, labor and technical resources, and is charged only from the part of the realized savings, stress and added that the Agreement refers to the three station: train-station in Rijeka, the main train-station in Zagreb and the gouge-train station.

HZ-expects numerous advantages such as knowledge and new equipment, freeing human and financial resources for other projects, because the company "Rudan" will fully develop and finance the Project, because the investment is going to repaid from savings. Also, it is expected the reduction of the pollution.

By exiting of the company "Rudan" out from the Project, after the repayment of the investments, HZ-Infrastructure remain all the benefits of the Project, including reduced costs for water and maintenance. In addition, the existing situation of water supply infrastructure requires continuous engagement of employees and equipment of the HZ-Infrastructure, and now the HZ will be able to spent that resources on other tasks.

The statement said that the company "Rudan" won numerous awards, most importantly, "Zlatna kuna" Best Chamber's prise in the 2005,  for the small business in the County of Istria, and that "Rudan" in the simmilar project saved more than 32 million HRK a year to one local shipyard.

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