Croatian Government has given the approval to implement the Plan for the year 2010 for the construction and maintenance of the highways to the Croatian Highways Ltd. (HAC)

At the closed part of the Government session on the consent of the Croatian Highways Ltd. Plan to build and maintain highways for the 2010th, it was reported the government's Office of Public Relations.

Plan to build and maintain highways in 2010th are planned investments in highway construction and maintenance of a total of a 2,230,379,000.00 HRK and 1,878,606,000.00 HRK for the construction, for the emergency maintenance 217,500,000.00 HRK and for the regular maintenance 134,273,000.00 HRK. Under the Plan the majority of works on construction of highways are takes place on Split-Ploce and Zagreb-Sisak sections.

The Government also passed a Decision to publish the rules on State Aid for Public Radio-diffusion Service (EU), a further goal is to provide adequate support for the public radio-diffusion services that are using technological advances, that provides for the public benefits of new audio-visual services and new technologies, and that are initiate the development and diversification of activities in the digital age by public use of those technologies.

The Decision on releasing the Policy Support in Traffic (EU) has been amended. There was a change in connection with the validation of the acquis of the European Union (EU), in order to ensure compliance and effective monitoring and timely publication of the rules on State aid, it was reported from the Government.

It is also amended by Decision on publishing a list of rules on state aid. Namely, the Decision is substantially supplemented by adding new rules to the existing list of acts of the acquis communautaire (EU), which will be published and thus transferred to the Croatian legal system under which State aid is determined.

The Decision on determining of the State lines in to the Public Transport Lines in the Coastal Maritime Traffic has been changed also. In accordance with the Article 7 of The Law on Transport and the Coastal Lines and the Occasional Sea Traffic, and the established ferry State lines, also as fast-ships and regular lines, have been made changes on certain routes to reduce the volume and capacity of sailing vessels, only outside the seasonal period from March 1st to the May 31st and from the October 1st to the December 31st 2010.

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