Croatia Airlines: Not justified cabin crew strike announced for Friday

Union announced the strike Aircraft Cabin Crew (SKOZ) for Friday, the 26th February 2010th, and the Croatia Airlines considers unreasonable and unrealistic requirements of these Union, announced tonight in the National Airline.

The employer could not accept SKOZ's insistence that the norm of work/timetable, with specific coefficients, and include many non-operative (ground) duties, such as time spent on the medical examination, on duty, the official travel and education as to cause additional overtime hours or costs, explains in Croatia Airlines.

In relation to the Collective Agreement which expired on December 31st 2009th, except for impairment points for the calculation of pay of 5 percent, all other rights are reserved on the same level, while some even further enhanced. Specifically, the allegations that members of cabin crew increased free days, the amount of severance pay, compensation for sick leave up to 42 days was kept at 90 percent and real wages is met and the application of climate talks about working in the sector of the cabin-operations.

From the Croatia Airlines to recall the stewardesses and stewards transportation from home to work and vice versa, and still have the right to a free meal on the aircraft and payment of full per day, and that their average monthly gross income is higher than the average medium income level of qualification in Croatia is to be in the range from 5000 to 12,000 HRK gross per month.

Despite months of negotiations on signing a new Collective Agreement, in which Croatia Airlines as an employer has shown willingness to accept the Agreement and almost all the conditions that were in the former Collective Agreement, the flight attendant and steward announced the industrial action, which has already caused the company announcing the direct and indirect damage, has been added in the CA's statement.

Also, the recall that on February 8th signed a new Collective Agreement with three of the five Trade Unions (SITUZ - Union of Engineers and Technicians in the Air Force), SSSAH (Croatian Independent Trade Union of the Aeromechanics) and SHSZUZ (Independent Croatian Union Employees in the Air Force), which refers to more than 70 percent of employees.

From Croatia Airlines point out that in terms of the worst crises of civil aviation since World War II are all in order, with the necessary savings in their business and provided jobs, the future of the company and pleasure travelers, while also taking into account the objective changed business conditions and the current economic situation.

Due to the notice of the strike the company from Tuesday, February 23rd at their website will announce changes in the planned flight lines. Passengers and users of services have available free phone line 0800 7777 for calls from the Croatia, and Contact Center Phone (+385 - 1) 6676 555 where you can get detailed information about flights and travel conditions during the strike.

All passengers who made book and bought a ticket to one of the canceled flights during the strike, before February 22nd, can replace theire tickets and arragments without any charge. If you completely withdraw from the trip, Your ticket will be refunded in full.

Croatia Airlines sincerely regrets any inconvenience caused by the strike and is trying to reduce the negative impact on passengers. Damage caused by the strike, they say, not only suffers the Company and its employees, than it has adverse consequences for passengers, business partners, airports, air traffic controls and all other entities in the chain of the air traffic. The company will do all it can to reduce the negative effects minimized, and to achieve a reasonable and as soon as possible agreement on the collective agreement,'s said from Croatia Airlines.

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