Lufthansa strike does not affect Croatia Airlines, Germanwings has scheduled extra flights

The strike of pilots of the German Lufthansa airline, which began last night, does not affect passenger traffic of the Croatia Airlines, a notification to the Zagreb Airport is now canceled afternoon Lufthansa flight Zagreb-Frankfurt.

Croatia Airlines airplanes that flights from Croatian to German destinations are taking place regularly, says Davor Janusic, spokesman of the Croatia Airlines.

Croatia Airlines has five daily flights to destinations in Germany, the Munich and Frankfurt, and five flights back to Croatia.

Morning flights to Germany were without delay, says Janusic.

In cooperation with Lufthansa, which has as a member of Air Croatia Airlines Star Alliance association, Croatia Airlines may, if necessary, take a part of the Lufthansa passengers on routes between Germany and Croatian, he adds.

Passengers of Croatian Airlines from Frankfurt, or Munich go to other world destinations affected by the strike, in the same situation as all other passengers who should travel with Lufthansa in any of the world's destinations, Janusic notes, adding that such passengers informed about the current state.

The Croatia Airlines does not expect that the Lufthansa pilot strike affected the revenues of the company.

German low-cost carrier Germanwings has at the end of last week reported that, despite the strike of the pilots, provided two thirds of its scheduled flights during the strike and that it is prepared additional flight plan under which provided 400 flights Monday through Thursday.

Passengers can inform on their flights on the Company website, according to the latest data from Germanwings, there are two afternoon flights from Zagreb to Bonn and Berlin, and back from these two cities in Zagreb.

Tomorrow and the Tuesday and Wednesday, Gemanwings schedule extra flights of a total ten flights from and to Croatian destinations (lines Split-Stuttgart, Bonn, Split, Dortmunt-Split-Zagreb and Bonn-Stuttgart Zagreb and vice versa).

According to data from Zagreb airport, for now has been canceled only the Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt in 14.35 hrs.

Lufthansa pilots are on strike  from midnight because the management has not responded to their terms of job security and raises to 6.4 percent.

Lufthansa said in a statement issued to the pilots Union Vereinigung Cockpit, from midnight entered the four-day strike after negotiations conducted over the weekend did not give results.

Lufthansa pilots have voted for strike out of fear that companies could reduce the number of jobs by transferring some operations to its subsidiaries such as Austrian Airlines or Lufthansa Italia where salaries are lower.

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