Croatia: in 2009th reduced transport of passengers and goods

During 2009th in Croatia is transported 146 million passengers and 145.4 million tons of goods, issued by the Croatian Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

Number of passengers in year 2008th decreased by 1.5 percent, and the goods, measured in tons, transported 12.1 percent less.

The last year's structure of the transport of passengers, the railway has a share of 50 percent, 40 percent of road transport, maritime and coastal transport of 9 percent and 1 percent of air transport.

Number of passengers increased in rail traffic, and decreased in other types of traffic.

By rails was transported 2.8 percent more passengers, or 72.9 million of them.

In the road traffic is transported 58.5 million passengers or 5.8 percent less than 2008th, while in the maritime and coastal transport the number is 12.5 million, or 2.4 percent less, in the air transport the traffic reached the number of 2.05 million passengers transported wich is for 11.9 percent less.

The transportation of goods last year reached the biggest share of 64 percent in the road transport, while the next are the maritime and coastal transport with 22 percent, the railways with the 8 percent and the pipelines with the 6 percent of gross traffic, and the air traffic has a negligible share.

Trough the railroad traffic is transported 11.8 million tons of goods, wich is recorded as the biggest percentage drop in transportation goods, by 20.6 percent. In the road traffic is transported 92.8 million tons of goods, wich is fall of a 16.2 percent.

In the air transport is transported 4 thousand tons of goods, and the decline amounted to 20 percent. The fall of the transport of goods by the inland waterways is by 4.1 percent to 257 thousand tons.

Growth was achieved in the pipeline transportation (5 percent to 9.2 million tons) and in maritime and coastal transport (2 percent to 31.3 million tons).

According to CBS data, the end of the last year in Croatia were were transported 1,532,549 passenger cars and 164,761 trucks.

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