T-HT: the proposed dividend of 34.05 HRK per share

T-Croatian Telecom in the year 2009 achieved gross profit of 2.02 billion HRK, a decrease of 12.4 percent compared to a year ago, a proposed dividend of 34.05 HRK greater than the 13.5 percent of for 2008 year, announced today the T-HT.

Revenue T-HT Group in 2009th decreased by 3.1 percent from a year ago and amounted to 8.5 billion HRK, according to a published financial results of the Group for 2009.

Clarifies that increase dividends in relation to the 2008th when it was 29.99 HRK, reflecting strong cash position and the positive effect of a one-time merger of T-Mobile to get rasporedivu HT dd.

Reduction of gross income in turn is largely due to higher severance costs and lower financial gains.

The decision on dividend payment, which was proposed by Management and the Supervisory Board shall adopt the Annual General Meeting, scheduled for 21 April, a dividend would be paid to 17th svibnja 2010th.

In the published business results indicating that the T-Mobile revenue in 2009th decreased by 5 percent down to 4.18 billion HRK, as a result of the recession and the tax imposed.

T-Mobile's subscribers increased by 6.3 percent to 2.86 million. Recorded an increase postpaid user base to 13.5 per cent to almost 920.000, while the number of prepaid subscribers increased by 3.2 percent.

Revenue T-Com, however fell by 2.8 percent to 5.04 billion HRK, which has influenced the decline in revenues from fixed telephony, by 10.3 percent to 2.5 billion HRK.

At the same time increase revenue realized from the internet to 27.7 percent to 1.15 billion HRK. Number of ADSL subscribers increased by 17.4 percent to almost 555,000 and the number of IPTV subscribers increased by 74.1 percent to almost 236,000.

Ivica Mudrinic, Chairman and CEO of the T-HT, said that the 2009th was very challenging, and considering that the predicted pressure will make the business slump, the year began with a priority the protection of revenue and margins. He stressed that the strategy was effective and that they have had stable results, which reflect the high quality of service and rigorous cost control.

"I believe that our results show the importance of service T-HT in the Croatian economy," says Mudrinić adding that successfully reorganized group, which will be ready for advancement when the economy starts to recover.

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