Tele2 Croatia last year reduced the loss

Telecommunications company Tele2 Croatia last year was closed with the improved financial results compared to the year before, and with 598 thousand users, reported today from this Company.

Tele2 Croatia's financial results are published today in Stockholm, the results stem Tele2 AB Group, which in 10 European countries, has 26.5 million customers.

Tele2 from Croatian point out that last year's profit before tax, interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of the negative 168 million HRK, which represents 38 percent growth. This means, as explained to them the loss of 168 million USD in relation to the 2008th reduced by 38 percent.

Similar to say and profit before interest and taxes (EBIT) and that has increased by 27 percent to negative 244 million HRK, which would mean that the loss of 244 million HRK was reduced by 27 percent.

Generally claim that gradually reduce the loss of expectation that in the second half of this year for the first time since the start of operations in Croatia to record profits.

On the other hand, the business revenue last year grew by 39 percent to 893 million HRK.

For a specified number of users (598 thousand) which have completed the 2009th, note that it is not comparable with the 2008th because last year changed the method of counting.

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