Croatia Airlines has signed a new Collective Agreement with three of the five trade unions

Croatia Airlines and three of the five trade unions organized in the company - the Union of Engineers and Technicians in the Air Force, Independent Trade Union Aeromechanic Croatian and Croatian Independent Union of the Employees in aviation, signed a new Collective Agreement.

Unions in which the flight attendant and pilots have refused to sign it, with the other flight attendant, announced that due to the reduction of income to go on strike.

Employer and the three unions agreed to reduce the value of points (the basis for the calculation of wages) in the amount of 5 percent and a smaller portion of the material rights, allegations of Croatia Airlines.

The new Collective Agreement covering more than 70 percent of 1100 employees in Croatia Airlines.

Management Company "expresses the hope that, in the interests of companies and employees, through negotiations and joint efforts to find a solution acceptable to all sides, to reach an agreement with the remaining two unions - Croatian Transport Pilots Union and the Union of Aircraft Cabin Crew.

Added that the signing of the Collective Agreement provided for three unions contributed to the savings company in the area of labor costs, which is Croatia Airlines as a company is majority owned by the State required by the Government's decision from the 2009th year.

The provisions of the new Collective Agreement that applies to the end of the year 2010, effective as of 1st January this year and according to them will be calculated salaries for January.

President of the Union Aeromechanic Igor Pavelic said gave statement to Hina in wich he said that the signing of Collective Agreement was decided after the Board gave the proposal for a radical cutting of wages and other rights, which justified the difficult financial situation in which the company has reached the global crisis.

The new proposal to achieve savings in the mass of resources for employees and to pay but at least touch, Pavelic said.

Cabin Crew Union of the Croatia Airlines Company Flight Attendant who also gathers Stewards, did not accept the offer of the employer, but he remained at the announcement that he would go on strike in 26th February at six o'clock in the morning.

This Union does not want to come to terms with the Collective Agreement which would, they say, reduced earnings between 20 and 40 percent.

As they say, just that their membership was the most affected by reduced sickness, which due to the nature of their work the most precisely cabin staff, elimination of free hot meals, as they will from the pockets of a month "break" more than 800 HRK, and the elimination of commissions for sale duty-free goods.

Management did not provide us the opportunity to negotiate a new Collective Agreement, but only about cutting our rights, said the president of the Union Sue Artuković Vuksan, adding that through these negotiations and wanted to solve a number of intangible rights.

It still expects the talks to resolve the dispute before the strike because the moment the strike is not in the interest of anyone, no company or employees.

Croatian transport pilots union is also not signed Collective Agreement, but will continue negotiations after the Assembly election on Friday elect new leadership.

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