Croatian and Albanian transport ministers meet in Zagreb

Zagreb, 23. siječnja 2009. Sokol Olldashi, ministar javnih radova, prometa i telekomunikacija Albanije sa suradnicimaAlbania will soon invite bids for the construction a 66-kilometre-long section of highway between Thumane and Rrogozine, and Croatian company Konstruktor-Inzenjering has shown interest, the Albanian Minister of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications, Sokol Olldashi, said at a meeting with the Croatian Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Bozidar Kalmeta, in Zagreb on Friday.

According to a press release from the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, the Albanian minister was interested in road construction models in Croatia and the construction of marinas.

Zagreb, 23. siječnja 2009. (s lijeva) Krešo Antonović, ravnatelj Uprave za elektroničke komunikacije i poštu, Branko Bačić, državni tajnik za more, Božidar Kalmeta, ministar mora, prometa i infrastrukture, Branimir Jerneić, državni tajnik za željeznički prometOlldashi said that his government would give priority to the construction of an Adriatic-Ionian Highway and a highway along an international transport route known as Corridor VIII.
Croatian company IGH is involved in the construction of a 160-kilometre-long highway running from the coastal city of Durres to the Kosovo border.

After the presentation of the model of financing and maintenance of public roads in Croatia, Olldashi said Albania would follow the Croatian model, according to the press release.
The two ministers also discussed ways of promoting cooperation in road, sea and air transport as well as in telecommunications and postal services.

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