Rise in transport of passengers and cargo via Croatian airports

Croatian air carriers transported more than one million of passengers in the first half of 2008, that is 1.03 million people, which was 7.1 percent up from the first half of last year, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported on Monday.

In the first half of 2008, the number of passengers who departed from Croatian airports aboard planes of Croatian and foreign companies reached 2.08 million, which was nine percent up from the comparable period of 2007.

The transport of passengers on flights within Croatia climbed 18.8 percent to 456,000, and the number of passengers on foreign flights rose 6.6 percent to 1.63 million.

In the first half of 2008, Croatian air carriers transported 2.8 thousand tonnes of cargo and post, which was 2.8 percent up from the comparable period of 2007.

The amount of transported cargo via Croatian airports by both Croatian and foreign companies rose 10 percent to nearly seven thousand tonnes


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