Both victims of plane crash located in wreckage

On Monday morning underwater cameras located the body of the other victim of a Piper 44 plane crash, which happened off the island of Dugi Otok on Friday afternoon. The body was spotted in the wreckage, the head of rescue and crash investigating teams, Dinko Vodanović, said on Monday.

Lufthansa's training plane with two men on board went off radar screens in the Croatian Adriatic city of Zadar on Friday around noon while flying over the Adriatic Sea.

The wreckage of the plane was spotted by underwater cameras on Sunday morning. Teams of rescuers and divers located the plane some 67 metres under the sea. They also could see body of one victim on Sunday morning.

The operation of pulling the plane from the sea is under way.

When the plane was pulled to 30 metres under the sea, the bodies of the victims - a 36-year-old Croatian pilot and a 20-year-old Italian trainee - were taken from the wreckage.

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