Government addresses transport and post

The package of bills adjusted to EU legislation, which the government sent to parliament today, includes a bill of amendments to the Road Transport Act which, based on the principle of reciprocity and on a temporary basis, allows cabotage in passenger and cargo transport for haulers from the EU from the day Croatia joins the EU.

Amendments to the Post Act expand the authority and establish work conditions for a postal services regulatory body that will be formed through a merger of the Croatian Telecommunications Agency and the Postal Services Council.

The government supported a draft river transport development strategy for 2008-12, which envisages devising and launching River Information Services (RIS), establishing a RIS National Centre, and upgrading waterways in accordance with international standards in order to make them navigable at least 300 days of the year.

Plans also include building a Danube-Sava canal, developing river ports, upgrading the river fleet and increasing its capacity. The current 57 ships, which are 40 years old on average and have a total capacity of 44,000 tonnes, cannot meet the transport demand. (HINA)

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