Parliament discusses development of railroad infrastructure

(photo: FaH/Lana SLIVAR DOMINIĆ)The Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Božidar Kalmeta presented today in the Croatian Parliament a proposal of the National Program for Railroad Infrastructure 2008-2012. He explained that during the next five years a railroad infrastructure modernization would take place, including an investment of HRK 18.5 billion.

Kalmeta further said that the mentioned investment amount would be composed of potential means coming from budgetary assignments and guarantees, whereas EU pre-access funds might increase the planned amount considerably.

According to him the 5-years plan intends to promote the Croatian railroad transport. He underlined that the EC was planning for the railroad transport in the south-east of Europe to increase by 50 %, so Croatia had to position itself and use its railroad transport for future economic development, especially through export activities.

 “Croatia has to be ready”, he said, emphasizing how motorways could not take the place of the railroad when it comes to economy.

The Program foresees the construction of new, special railroad tracks, the modernization of existing ones and the building of city and suburban tracks. It also includes the acquisition of new, modern carriages and locomotives. 


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