Montenegrin and Croatian transport ministers hold talks

Montenegrin and Croatian Ministers of Maritime Affairs and Transport, Andrija Lompar and Bozidar Kalmeta respectively, met in Podgorica on Tuesday to discuss possible joint projects in the prevention of sea pollution, sea rescue services, and the construction of an Adriatic-Ionian highway.

After the meeting, the two ministers told a news conference that Croatia had proposed that Montenegro be included in some of the projects which Croatia was carrying out.

One of the important topics of today's talks was the future of the Adriatic-Ionian highway, Lompar said, adding that there was an initiative to set up a secretariat for that transport corridor.

"Kalmeta proposed that the Secretariat should be in Montenegro, which we accepted, and we shall contact ministers of neighboring countries - Greece, Slovenia and Italy - to propose establishing the Secretariat and forming a team of experts," Lompar said.

The Adriatic-Ionian corridor is important not only to Croatia, but also to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albanian and Greece, Kalmeta said.



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