Statistics about national railway company's earnings

The consolidated earnings of the national Croatian Railway (HŽ) company in the first nine months of 2007 totaled HRK 2.58 billion, a 3.1 percent less than planned and 8.9 percent less than in the comparable period of 2006.

According to a statement issued by the company, the main reason for lower earnings lies in the reduction of funds allocated from the state budget to the HŽ.

The HŽ earned HRK 837.9 million from the transport of passengers and cargo in the first nine months of 2007. This was higher by HRK 70.2 million (9.1 percent) than in the first nine months of 2006.

The earnings from passenger transport totaled HRK 265.3 million with 235.5 million of this amount having been made in the domestic transport.

The company netted HRK 572.6 million from cargo transport. International railway cargo transport made up the lion's share of this amount that is HRK 476 million.

The revenues from the state budget totaling HRK 1.34 billion accounted for 52 percent of all the earnings.

(1EUR =7.34 HRK)



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