Croatian consortium chosen for construction of Peljesac bridge

A consortium of three Croatian companies was selected on Friday for the construction of a bridge between the southern peninsula of Peljesac and the mainland, the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development announced on Friday.

Among three bids submitted as part of the tendering process, the commission of the Hrvatske Ceste road construction and maintenance company, as the investor, chose as the most favourable the bid of HRK 1.95 billion offered by Konstruktor Inzenjering d.d. Split, Viadukt d.d. Zagreb and Hidroelektra Niskogradnja d.d. Zagreb.

The two other bids were submitted by a consortium of German, Austrian, Italian and French companies and by an Austrian company.

Construction of the bridge is expected to start this autumn and the deadline for the completion of the project is four years.

The bridge will be 2.3 kilometres long, 21.5 metres wide and 55 metres high, as agreed by working groups from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina at a meeting in Sarajevo on December 7, 2006.



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