Minister Kalmeta Visits France

The Minister of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Božidar Kalmeta will visit Paris from 29 till 30 January 2007, accompanied by the State Secretary for Transport Dražen Breglec and the Assistant Minister for Telecommunications and Postal Services Darko Dvornik.

The first day of their visit, the Croatian delegation will meet up with the representatives of the Ministry of Economics and Finance and the president of the French Agency for Telecommunications and Postal Service (ARCEP) in order to discuss experiences in the development of the telecommunications market and the implementation of new EU regulations regarding the area of telecommunications.

On Tuesday the minister will visit the company Alcatel Lucent for a presentation of Broadband Internet access, which has become a priority to France, as well as the latest achievements in the WiMAX technology.

Croatia is using such a technology as an alternative access infrastructure for the transmitting of speech and data.

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