European Parliament in Favor of European Licenses

The European Parliament approved on Wednesday the proposal on a unified European driving license which would replace the existing 110 different models of licenses currently used in the EU-25 in favor of a single format.

More than 200 million Europeans, currently holders of driving licenses for cars, motorcycles, busses and vans will be given the opportunity to receive this new driving license which will remain valid for a period of 15 years.

The member countries will also have the possibility of demanding regular medical check-ups for all drivers.

The transition period for a gradual implementation of these new credit card-sized plastic driving licenses will last another 20 years. Countries which will switch over to this new format for good are Belgium, France, Austria and Germany.

Individuals who have lost their driving license in one member state due to punitive measures will no longer have the opportunity of applying for a new license in another member state, explained Mathieu Grosch MEP.

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