Next Construction Phase for Motorway Zagreb – Rijeka

'Autocesta Rijeka – Zagreb' (ARZ) will sign on Thursday, 25 May, an agreement with the selected contractors for so-called 2B construction phase of the motorway Rijeka – Zagreb, i.e. turning the route from Kikovica to Stara Sušica (44.26 km) into a dual carriageway.

Along that route the motorway has been divided into five passages and each passage demands an individual contract. The total value of the construction work amounts up to EUR 250.6 million.

According to ARZ, the construction costs will be financed via a credit of the EIB in the value of EUR 210 million and the rest will be covered by the EBRD, also in form of a credit.

The expected finalization date for the construction works and the opening of all passages of the Zagreb – Rijeka motorway as a dual carriageway is set for the end of 2008.

Some passages will be ready and opened for traffic, already in 2007 (Kikovica – Oštrovica, Vrata – Kupjak).

Other construction activities along the Rijeka – Zagreb motorway are already ongoing. The so-called 2A construction phase from Bosiljevo II to Stara Sušica (11.3 km) was initiated in 2005.

The passage Kupjak – Vrbovsko, including the tunnel Čardak, is expected open for traffic during this summer. The 8.2 km long passage Vrbovsko - Bosiljevo is expected to start functioning by 2007.

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