Corridor 5c: Bosnia-Herzegovina Proposes Zvirovići as Southern Meeting Point

The Bosnian-Herzegovina Minister for Transport and Communication Branko Dokić stated that his country would stick to its proposal that the southern meeting point in the Corridor 5c, along the border with Croatia should be the site of Zvirovići.

In a recent interview Dokić confirmed that he was expecting a meeting of professionals from both countries who would discuss this question.

„Bosnia-Herzegovina has to precisely define its proposal regarding this southern exit point and then hand it over to Croatia. The Bosnian members of the International Committee in charge of this question are expected to draft the proposal and after that we are awaiting information from the other side. Finally we will be expecting a meeting of all relevant representatives from both countries“, Dokić said.

Answering the question why the whole process of defining the southern exit point took so long, Dokić explained that the reason for that was the fact that the project proposal for the motorway route throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina had not been finalized.

Dokić also confirmed that his country was considering the construction of the fast road Banja Luka – Jajce – Split which would represent a parallel route to the Corridor 5c.

He pointed out that the construction of that route would depend upon the results of the transport development strategy of Bosnia-Herzegovina which was expected to be defined by the end of the year.

The whole strategy development is being financed through donations coming from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the actual job will be performed by a French consulting company which Dokić did not want to disclose.  

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