International Symposium on Modernization of Croatian Railways

The 3rd international symposium on the modernization of Croatian Railways (Hrvatske željeznice – HŽ), under the title: Modernization and Harmonization of HŽ prior to Croatia’s Accession to the EU’ will take place on March 23 and 24, in Opatija.

This event is being organized by the Croatian Railways Engineers and Technicians Association and the Union of European Railway Engineer Associations (UEEIV), under the aegis of the HŽ and the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development.
The Symposium raises a lot of interest for it offers a systematic presentation of all HŽ development plans and perspectives within the European context. One must mention the fact that the HŽ is currently undergoing the largest reconstruction process in its entire history, preparing for Croatia’s joining the EU. That process looks for acceptable organizational solutions and financial investments which will allow the HŽ companies to operate successfully on the open market.
The organizers expect 150 attendees from HŽ, as well as guests representing domestic and foreign railway industries, universities, institutes, and the representatives of railway companies from neighboring countries, who are members of the UEEIV.
The participation at the Symposium provides additional knowledge which is being tested when gaining the title EURALING – European railways engineer.
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